European University Gasteiz (UNEIZ)

European University Gasteiz (UNEIZ)

On January 15, 2023, the Nixarian Foundation signed a historical agreement with the
University of Gasteiz (EUNEIZ).
. This agreement establishes that the courses offered by the Foundation will have the character of University Specialization Courses and, therefore, the participants will be able to obtain university credits.

It is important to note that the Nixarian Foundation is the first entity in Europe to give a university format to training on the early diagnosis and therapeutic approach to lichen sclerosus. This initiative is essential to improve the quality of life of women affected by this disease and to give academic recognition to the professionals dedicated to its study.

The Nixarian Foundation, a non-profit organization, goes one step further in its work to share knowledge about lichen sclerosus in order to improve the quality of life of women affected by this disease. The signing of this agreement with the University of Gasteiz demonstrates the Foundation’s commitment to support researchers, teachers and health professionals committed to lichen sclerosus and related vulvar diseases.

The agreement was signed by the president of the Nixarian Foundation, Dr. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla, Ph.
Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla
and Mr. Jose Antonio Otero, head of the Department of Private Degrees at the Spanish university.

This alliance with the University of Gasteiz will allow us to join forces and knowledge to continue advancing in the study of lichen sclerosus and improve the diagnosis, care and treatment of women suffering from this disease, which affects 1 in every 300 to 1000 women.

In short, the Nixarian Foundation is proud to be able to offer high quality university training on lichen sclerosus thanks to this important agreement signed with the University of Gasteiz.

We keep working for you !